
Rowing is a game where competitors race each other on boats using paddles. It is often referred to as boat racing or regatta. Although it looks as if the boats glide over the water easily, rowing actually requires strong teamwork and skilled stroking of the paddle, as well as great physical strength and endurance.
Total days of play : 2 days
Senior : 8 (5 Men, 3 Women)
Men – Single scull(M1x), Double scull(M2x), Coxless pair(M2-), Coxless four(M4-), Eight(M8+)
Women – Single scull(W1x), Double scull(W2x), Coxless four(W4-)
Lightweight : 5(3 Men, 2 Women)
Men – Single scull(LM1x), Double scull(LM2x), Coxless four(LM4-)
Women – Single scull(LW1x), Double scull(LW2x)
< Single scull (1x) >
Racing boat 8m in length, 14kg in weight
One competitor rows two paddles for 2km to cross the finish line fastest
< Double scull (2x) >
Racing boat 9.6m in length, 27kg in weight
Competitors row two paddles each in a team of two for 2km to cross the finish line fastest.
< Coxless pair (2-) >
Racing boat 9.6m in length, 27kg in weight
Competitors row one paddle each in a team of two for 2km to cross the finish line fastest. No restrictions for weight and no cox.
< Coxless four (4-) >
Racing boat 12m in length, 50kg in weight
Competitors row one paddle each in a team of four to cross the finish line fastest. No cox.
< Eight (M8+) >
Racing boat 17.6m in length, 96kg in weight
Competitors row one paddle each in a team of nine (1 cox, 8 rowers) for 2km to cross the finish line fastest.
※ The minimum weight restriction for cox is 55kg for men, 50kg for women. If a cox is underweight, they are required to carry sandbags to make up for the weight.
Rowing emerged in 17th century England when boats on the River Thames were deemed more convenient than other modes of land transportation. The first competitive rowing was the Professional’s Cup, held in 1715, and the first rowing team was formed by Eton College,
The well known intercollegiate rivalry between Oxford University and Cambridge University first took place in 1829 in front of 20,000 spectators.
Rowing eventually spread to different parts over the world such as France, Russia, Germany, and eventually to the Americas, and the International Federation of Rowing Associations (FISA) was established in 1892.
Future Universiades and USA Organizers

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